Saturday, July 11, 2009

Home Insurance

Taking a home inventory and the claims process

Taking your inventory can be an excellent way to speed up the claims process and make things run more smoothly in the event of a loss. Completing a home inventory can take some time, but it's worth doing it right. Because, in the event of a loss, it's something you'll be glad you had done in advance.

A free tool to help you do your inventory

The Insurance Information Institute has a valuable and free tool. It's an online program that helps you build a custom home inventory. It allows to to enter just the basic information, or get as detailed as entering serial numbers for each of your items.

Finally, it allows you to print out a complete home inventory with pictures of your house and each room, as well as very organize spreadsheets of items you have in each room and their value. I would highly recommend utilizing this free tool! Home Owner Insurance Inventory

Dofollow socialbookmarking site

Do you want more backlinks to your web site in order to increase your web site ranking? You may choose to leave relevant comments on DoFollow weblogs. Read this article about DoFollow and NoFollow link building.

So what is DoFollow? This is a popular term that applies to web sites or blogs that are not using the NoFollow hyperlink attribute in their outbound links. What this piece of code does is to command the search engines not to take a hyperlink with this attribute seriously. This keeps spammers from leaving tons of useless comments on your blog in order to gain a lot of backlinks. Simply put, the search engines do not follow these links away from your site. Unfortunately, this also has a negative impact upon legitimate comments left by other internet users.

Therefore sites that use NoFollow in their outbound links are gems for link building. However, it is rather difficult to find DoFollow sites and blogs these days. You may still find them if you do some research into these kinds of web sites.

Where can you find a DoFollow blog service? Well, let us look at Wordpress. You can create a new account and blog with this site for free. Simply upload tons of articles with your embedded keywords and post them on your new blog. Be sure to include a backlink to your own web site in each post. This will help you with building DoFollow links to your own site.

Another option you may use is Blogger. You can create a free blog there and then share your thoughts and information with others. It is quite easy to post new articles there. You can also personalize your blog with themes and gadgets. Remember to include a backlink to the web site you are building links for in each post you make.

Next you may decide to social bookmark your site at Digg. You submit your site or blog as well as a brief description. Other users may then rank your site as they wish. This also gives you a backlink. You may also consider Propeller.